Monday, January 26, 2009


January 26, 2009 (4:20 pm)



Impossible is nothing and every thing that we want out of life is available to us through hard work, visualization, determination and the power of positive thinking. ( or positiveness is the word that I like to use) To achieve all your goals, one must live ones life with integrity, compassion and love; then good karma is sure to flow and follow.

Now that we are entering the Year of the Ox, it is time to take this year by the horns and GO FOR WHAT IT IS THAT WE REALLY WANT OUT OF LIFE!

What do you want to achieve? What great love do you want to find or create? What lofty goals do you want to reach personally or professionally? Now is the time to decide. You won’t achieve anything by sitting on the sidelines.

I know what I want and I have been working very hard to achieve my "impossible" dream , and although I still have a long way to go, I am on the right path and making progress each and every day. One step at a time. What sets me apart from others is that I refuse to take no for an answer and when people say "NO", or "YOU CANT DO THAT", I simply take that negative feedback and use it to motivate me even more to achieve my goals. Negativity breeds more negativity. Being Positive is CRUCIAL.

Keeping it Crucial to me means to live your life to its fullest potential and realize that the most beautiful future awaits those that dream big or dream crucially!

Miracles do happen. Every day is a miracle. Have you found yours today?

Keep it Crucial and Happy Chinese New Year. It is time to Kick some Ox!

Paul Benoit

Producer / Director / Writer

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