Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Tuesday, August 31, 2010. 10:20 a.m.

Crucial Blog Entry #66


Over seven years ago at 5:34 in the morning of March 20, 2003, US Troops followed by a 34 country coalition of forces invaded Iraq under the pretense that Saddam Hussein was harboring "weapons of mass destruction" and that morning started the most expensive war in the history of the modern world. $748 Billion dollars and climbing spent on death, destruction & security when if spent productively would have given education, health care & more prosperity for American's at home and ALL Iraqi's who now have sporadic electricity, very little food & clean water, high unemployment at over 35% and constant threats in their lives let alone the daily bombings and attacks that they must all endure due to ongoing and what seems like never-ending sectarian violence.

We always hear about the economical cost of war but we rarely speak of or hear about the HUMAN COST of war. The human cost of war is the most tragic consequence of these conflicts: innocent people being hurt and killed; disillusioned soldiers not knowing what they are fighting for, coming back "broken", leery and battle fatigued and to make matters worse, into a depressed economy. The human cost of the war was too much as soon as that first person died.
The cost continues to mount: as of today, 4408 American lives have been lost and families shattered. Estimates state over 100 000 Iraqi's killed and how many of those killed were innocent men, woman or children? Thousands of Iraqi families affected. Thousands & thousands more of US & Iraqi injured.

The US involvement is winding down before a full withdrawal in 2011 but now we must ask "WAS IT WORTH IT?" Today President Obama speaks to US troops at Fort Bliss Texas before addressing the nation from the Oval Office tonight. He must now try to convince us that a war he did not start or support ended as well as it could have under his leadership. And somewhere in Texas, an Ex-President who started this mess is blissfully cutting his grass.

Combat "operations" stop today on Tuesday August 31st, 2010 and the Middle East is as conflicted as ever and the US is no less safe from terrorist attacks and world-wide animosity. From a high of over 160 000 US troops in 2007 to now having less than 50 000 in the "transition" helping to train the Iraqi army and police, this war started under false pretense, misinformation and one man's demented desire to try to end a conflict that his father had started with the Gulf War in the 90's.

"What you see in Iraq is not victory" says Abu Risha, a tribal leader, who says he gets only 5 hours of electricity a day. "Before we had one dictator, now we have hundreds of dictator's."

"The Americans only left death and destruction--handicapped people, orphans, widows, and an immature political system. This is what we get with U.S. liberation and democracy?"

Musician / Activist Michael Franti from the band SPEARHEAD sings and preaches that "You Can Bomb the World into Pieces but you Can't Bomb the World into Peace." www.michaelfranti.com We need to heed these words and come up with better solutions than those that we have come up with over the last 100 years of senseless violence, terrorism, war and hate.

The cycle of violence has to stop and a bigger and better cycle of love, light & prosperity has to emerge FOR ALL GLOBAL citizens if we are going to continue successfully in this "civil"-lization. We have been conking each other over the head for far too long and have not really learned a single thing since that first man picked up that first stick to wreak violence for foolish reasons.

Please forward your solutions to President Barack Obama and to us here at www.crucialmatters.com or to paul@crucialmatters.com, and try to do one kind thing today for one total stranger and see if that leads us on the right path.
Keep It Crucial & Power to the Peaceful!

Paul Benoit

Producer / Director


other Information:

http://www.iknowimnotalone.com A truly inspiring Award-Winning Documentary by Michael Franti who travelled to Iraq, Gaza & Israel in 2005, discussing the human cost of war with teachers, musicians, poets & soldiers.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/barack-obama Up-to-the-minute details of President Barack Obama's August 31st, 2010

http://www.cnn.com/ More news on today's event's

Monday, August 16, 2010

MANDATORY MINIMUM SENTENCES by Stephen Harper & The Conservatives is Injustice for ALL.

Monday August 16, 2010. 4:20 pm

Crucial Blog Entry #65

MANDATORY MINIMUM SENTENCES by Stephen Harper & The Conservatives is Injustice for ALL.

Last week Canadian Prime-Minister Stephen Harper, Stockwell Day & the Conservative Government announced that MANDATORY MINIMUM SENTENCES would be ushered into Law to combat "Organized Crime" and that an additional $9 Billion dollars would be spent on enforcing and imprisoning more Canadians for greater lengths of time in newly built "Super Jails".
Could this be the Conservatives WORST IDEA EVER? It sure does sound like it to CRUCIAL MATTERS. www.crucialmatters.com

At a time when the United States is finally acknowledging that its decades' long "WAR ON DRUGS" is a MASSIVE FAILURE and they are actually loosening their laws for simple possession, Canada wants to follow in its tragic footsteps. The US is now reluctantly conceding that the "War On Drugs" was a colossal moral, social and bitter legal battle, handing out MASSIVE sentences for sometimes just handfuls of drugs and not getting the "Big Fish" that they were seeking in the first place. The "WAR ON DRUGS" has led to VERY harsh, unjust and extremely long prison sentences that in the past were reserved for the hardest criminals guilty of the most heinous crimes. The WAR ON DRUGS is a war on people: our brothers, our sisters and our neighbours.

President Barack Obama announced and signed into law on August 3rd, 2010, that the Crack Sentencing guidelines and Minimum Mandatory Sentences would be reduced to more reasonable levels for offenders. Simple Possession of Crack in the US Federal System led to Minimum Mandatory Sentences of 5 years, no questions asked and no leniency allowed to the Judges. See www.famm.org for more information from FAMILIES AGAINST MANDATORY MINIMUMS.

With that announcement by Barack Obama, he has now paved the way for more justice for people that were granted very little when they were caught with 4 or 5 grams of Crack. And now Canada wants to commit the same moral mistakes.
There are now over 2.3 million people incarcerated in US prisons and their willingness to Lock-Up there own people is unmatched in the modern world. One in every 100 American adults now wallows in jail at a cost of between $36 000 and $50 000 per year, per inmate. You could send them to Harvard for that. The percentage of people under some form of parole or probation is 1 in 31. When it comes to the percentage of population locked-up, the US incarcerates five times more people than Britain, nine times more than Germany and 12 times more than Japan. This is NOT a goal that Canada should be trying to emulate.

This money could and should be pumped into Education and quality Health Care for all, rehabilitation and re-integration into society and more positive steps forward rather than draconian stiff sentences, leaving people and families broken and locked-away uselessly for lengthy periods of times.

What have we learned from US MANDATORY MINIMUM SENTENCES for?

1. That "MANDATORY MINIMUM" sentencing guidelines introduced during the Reagan / Bush 1 era in the 80's gave convicted felons major time in Federal Institutions and took the power out of the very qualified US Judges by setting Guidelines that people had to be sentenced within. Cookie-cutter sentencing that Judges detested for the lack of control that each individual case and circumstances deserved.

2. Federal Inmates were FORCED to do 85% of their time sentenced, only getting 54 days a year "good-time" for every year incarcerated. Add this to longer and harsher sentences and the punishment usually always outweighs the crime.

3. That system was also based on trying to turn the convicted felons into "INFORMANTS" to rat out their friends, foes, innocent people or ANYONE just to get their sentences reduced by allowing Judges to go below the Guidelines for "cooperating with the authorities". When faced with a 10 or 15 year sentence people will say anything or do anything to get out of these lenghthy sentences.

4. The US is now the most imprisoned people percentage-wise in the world thanks mostly to Mandatory Minimum Sentences..

5. Turning the Prison system into a Private / For Profit business has lead to increased lobbying for harsher laws & sentences. If business is "good" for your "Prison-For-Profit" then you will want to throw as many people away as possible and spend the very least in food, housing, education and rehabilitation since it is a Profit driven business.

6. The US Federal Bureau of Prison business is UNICOR. "Employee's/ Inmates" work for pennies a day to produce products the US Government sell for market value at "slave-labour" wages. Last year's sales totalled over $900 million dollars. UNICOR benefits from having more people in prison sentenced to longer periods of time. See www.unicor.gov for more information on UNICOR and Federal Prison Industries.

At a time when California and other liberal minded states are loosening laws in regards to marijuana possession and seeing the benefits of both the medical and social use of marijuana, we need to look towards the future and see that legalizing marijuana and perhaps other illegal substances and eliminating MINIMUM MANDATOTY SENTENCES for drug offenses is the morally right thing to do. Billions would be saved immediately and that money would be able to be pumped into the Education & Health Care systems, benefitting us all.
For Canada's elected officials to want to go down this proven failed route with MANDATORY MINIMUM SENTENCES is a tragedy waiting to happen that is easily prevented. Say NO to MANDATORY MINIMUM SENTENCES and get in touch with your local Member of Parliament to voice your opinion on this very Crucial Matter.

Keep It Crucial.

Paul Benoit

Producer / Director
416.889-2451 Mobile Studio


other Information & Crucial Links:


www.ussc.gov/guidelin.htm US Federal Sentencing Guidelines

www.cannabisculture.com Marc Emery's website and Prison Blog