Monday, January 19, 2009


January 19, 2009 (3:20pm)


Dear Crucial Blog readers. This excerpt is from the current ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE.
I urge you to go buy it. ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE is such a great voice of reason and truth, and exposes the U.S. government for all its faults and highlights the truth the Gov does not want you to see. Thank for Keeping it CRUCIAL ROLLING STONE!!

TO Mr. George W. Bush

You’re the child of two emotionally absent aristocrats who denied you any kind of love and affection from an early age. You grew up resentful and lacking completely in natural gifts or curiosity and by early adulthood found yourself desperate to fulfill the expectations your parents by then mostly had only for your much more competent brother, Jeb .

You failed every test you ever faced as a young man and were unable to hold any job at all until the age of 45 or so, at which time you decided to try to win some self-respect by going into the family business.

You were aided in this quest by a bunch of narrow-minded lackeys and holdovers from your father’s administration who every step of the way manipulated your obvious Oedipal resentments to their advantage, enriching themselves and their friends.

All you wanted was a pat on the back and a few accomplishments of your own to hang your hat on, but instead you’re about to spend the rest of eternity pondering your now-official legacy as the WORST AND MOST PIGHEADED LEADER IN THE HISTORY OF WESTERN DEMOCRACY, a man who almost single-handedly sank the mightiest nation on Earth by turning the presidency into a $50 TRILLION therapy session that ended in two disastrous wars, a financial crisis that threatens the entire system of international capitalism, and a legacy of corruption on a scale not seen since the Borgias or maybe Nero.

Paul Benoit is hoping that the door doesn't hit GEORGE W. BUSH'S ass too hard on the way out! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! WORST PRESIDENT EVER!!

This just might be the most CRUCIAL WEEK of the last 10-20 years!

Keep it Crucial!

Paul Benoit

Producer / Director

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