Friday, June 26, 2009

MICHAEL JACKSON--The Tragic Life of Celebrity Gone Awry

Friday, June 26th, 2009

Crucial Blog Entry #40

MICHAEL JACKSON--The Tragic Life of Celebrity Gone Awry.

Singer and entertainer Michael Jackson passed away yesterday, in a rented home in Los Angeles, of apparant cardiac arrest brought on by prescription medicine, lack of eating, and a rumour that he was suffering from skin cancer.

For all of Michael's success, he ultimately led a tragic life, not having the ability or mental capacity to live a healthy and fulfilling life. From an early age, he was pushed around by a demanding and physically-threatening father to perform and perform again.

Undenialbly Michael Jackson was a rare talent, but the success of moving 52 million records worldwide for THRILLER not only claimed his place as the KING OF POP, but it also made him THE KING OF THE FREAKS, living in Neverland, a fantasy-land amusement park Zoo that cost many millions a year just to maintain and staff, and thinking that it was acceptable and cool to sleep with children in the same bed, whether it was sexual or not.

He was obviously not pleased with the way that he looked so he constantly went under-the-knife to alter his appearance, bleach his skin to make himself "more white" and was a shadow of his former self when he took his last grasp of breathe on June 25th, 2009 in Los Angeles.

For all of Michael Jackson's success, I would not have wanted to live a single day in his shoes.

Michael Jackson was the epitomy of a tragic life of a Celebrity gone awry, living in a cage like an animal in the zoo and constantly having people looking for him to perform or do something outlandish.

I can't really say Rest In Peace Michael if what you did with and to little boys is true, but at least you are at rest now.

Paul Benoit
Producer /Writer / Crucial Correspondant

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