Tuesday, June 9, 2009


June 9, 2009 (7:20am)


CRUCIAL MATTERS update for all my many followers!

Dear Crucial Matters Group;

I just wanted to give you an update on our progress here at CRUCIAL MATTERS.

As we all know the world of media has fallen off the cliff and a "new ecomony" is shaping itself up now and the rules of the game are being re-written and changed and the challenges of TV, Print and conventional Media have never been so great. Some people will last and thrive; most of the "old establishment" will not, and making money here and surviving are quite challenging. Considering that car companies bought 1/3 of ALL MEDIA ADVERTISING, you can see the challenges being faced.

For me, the challenges are just a way of pushing myself TO REFUSE TO LET IT SUCK (thanx GREG STUMP) and elevate my game, my writing & shooting and interview skills to make our show stand-out from all the other tabloid fodder and GARBAGE that is out there presently.
CRUCIAL MATTERS will never be plain or boring. We are only as good as our audience and that audience is being built one person at a time. If you like what we are doing, please TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS / NETWORKS and any person you have ever met (in your life)! This is how we are building our "Brand" and we have some major sponsorship meetings lined-up for September and the more people that visit www.crucialmatters.com, the better the negotiating power we will have. So that means that if you want to click on to www.crucialmatters.com every single day for the rest of your life I would be cool with that!

Another update: CRUCIAL MIKE has arrived in Toronto and I am happy to have my number one writing partner and demented idea person with me. Crucial Mike is really Dennis Miller on ACID. Pure humour!! If we ever get his teeth sand-blasted he could be a huge television star as a CRUCIAL CORRESPONDANT.

Crucial Mike and I successfully negotiated a 12 pack of Heineken's this past weekend and we are planning on going back to the table for more negotiations this weekend. Heineken has repeatedly told me "Paul, we do not sponsor many things because WE DON'T HAVE TO, and you would do better with Molson's or Labatts." but for me the best is the best. Luckily I worked for the main Heineken dude in Canada when I was a teenager.

I hope that everyone is doing well, enjoying their summer, winter, auto-axxfixiating, or whatever floats your boat.

I am keeping it Crucial in Toronto and I hope that you are keeping it Crucial wherever you may be.

I am working on my SUMMER SOLSTICE MIX CD 2009 so FOR THE 1st 8 people that respond to this message!!! PLease send your mailing address and as a bonus I will send you CHRIS VELAN's new killer album SOLIDAGO if I can get Chris's permission. Chris Velan did the Opening music for CRUCIAL MATTERS.

Have a great day everyone!
Paul Benoit

Toronto, Ontario


  1. Paul. Smojoe knows it's all about the sidebar buddy. Its time for some pictures and widgets. Your readers will thank you. Call me again and lets get it happening.

  2. thanx Rob.

    we will talk....last week at IDEACity was INCREDIBLE Dude.

    Keep it Crucial.

    Paul B
