Friday, June 26, 2009
MICHAEL JACKSON--The Tragic Life of Celebrity Gone Awry
Crucial Blog Entry #40
MICHAEL JACKSON--The Tragic Life of Celebrity Gone Awry.
Singer and entertainer Michael Jackson passed away yesterday, in a rented home in Los Angeles, of apparant cardiac arrest brought on by prescription medicine, lack of eating, and a rumour that he was suffering from skin cancer.
For all of Michael's success, he ultimately led a tragic life, not having the ability or mental capacity to live a healthy and fulfilling life. From an early age, he was pushed around by a demanding and physically-threatening father to perform and perform again.
Undenialbly Michael Jackson was a rare talent, but the success of moving 52 million records worldwide for THRILLER not only claimed his place as the KING OF POP, but it also made him THE KING OF THE FREAKS, living in Neverland, a fantasy-land amusement park Zoo that cost many millions a year just to maintain and staff, and thinking that it was acceptable and cool to sleep with children in the same bed, whether it was sexual or not.
He was obviously not pleased with the way that he looked so he constantly went under-the-knife to alter his appearance, bleach his skin to make himself "more white" and was a shadow of his former self when he took his last grasp of breathe on June 25th, 2009 in Los Angeles.
For all of Michael Jackson's success, I would not have wanted to live a single day in his shoes.
Michael Jackson was the epitomy of a tragic life of a Celebrity gone awry, living in a cage like an animal in the zoo and constantly having people looking for him to perform or do something outlandish.
I can't really say Rest In Peace Michael if what you did with and to little boys is true, but at least you are at rest now.
Paul Benoit
Producer /Writer / Crucial Correspondant
Monday, June 22, 2009
IDEACity 10th Anniversary 2009
IDEACity 10th Anniversary 2009
What an incredible event that Moses Znaimer and his unbelievable event-management and production crew put on last week for the 10th Anniversay of IDEACity 2009.
The brightest, most innovative thinkers and (most-importantly) socially-conscious people in the world got together in Toronto for 3 days of discussions, music, parties, great coffee & food and the energy surrounding the event is something that I have never quite experienced and I look forward to many more IDEACity events in the years to come.
It is great to see, hear and meet such passionate and compassionate people working together to make this planet a better place for every single living creature.
The time is NOW for CRUCIAL Changes in the way that we think, consume, live, share, and contribute to the greater good of society. Profits should be last of our concerns.
I am very hopeful that food and fresh water will be available to every single human being in the next 10 years and that our technologies will eliminate the need for oil, coal, and wasteful and environmentally unfriendly sources.
Keep it Crucial!
Paul Benoit
Producer / Writer / Crucial Correspondant
Thursday, June 18, 2009
IDEACity 10th Anniversary
WOW, yesterday was the single most "LEARNED" & "ENLIGHTENED" day of my life all because of MOSES ZNAIMER and his IDEACity conference in Toronto, celebrating its 10th year.
Some of the Speakers that I saw AND mingled and spoke with: LAURA ARCHER, PRESTON MANNING, MICHELLE RAINEY, ROBERT KENNEDY JR, JOHN RALTON SAUL, and the list goes on and on....
what a great event and everyone ALL AROUND the WORLD can PARTICIPATE at
It was truly 2 years worth of University Education wrapped into a single day, then doused with unlimited FREE BEER, music, more RFK Jr and then just to top the day, a wicked concert by BROKEN SOCIAL SCENE & FEIST!!!
Keeping it Crucial!
Paul Benoit
Crucial Correspondant
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
June 9, 2009 (7:20am)
CRUCIAL MATTERS update for all my many followers!
Dear Crucial Matters Group;
I just wanted to give you an update on our progress here at CRUCIAL MATTERS.
As we all know the world of media has fallen off the cliff and a "new ecomony" is shaping itself up now and the rules of the game are being re-written and changed and the challenges of TV, Print and conventional Media have never been so great. Some people will last and thrive; most of the "old establishment" will not, and making money here and surviving are quite challenging. Considering that car companies bought 1/3 of ALL MEDIA ADVERTISING, you can see the challenges being faced.
For me, the challenges are just a way of pushing myself TO REFUSE TO LET IT SUCK (thanx GREG STUMP) and elevate my game, my writing & shooting and interview skills to make our show stand-out from all the other tabloid fodder and GARBAGE that is out there presently.
CRUCIAL MATTERS will never be plain or boring. We are only as good as our audience and that audience is being built one person at a time. If you like what we are doing, please TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS / NETWORKS and any person you have ever met (in your life)! This is how we are building our "Brand" and we have some major sponsorship meetings lined-up for September and the more people that visit, the better the negotiating power we will have. So that means that if you want to click on to every single day for the rest of your life I would be cool with that!
Another update: CRUCIAL MIKE has arrived in Toronto and I am happy to have my number one writing partner and demented idea person with me. Crucial Mike is really Dennis Miller on ACID. Pure humour!! If we ever get his teeth sand-blasted he could be a huge television star as a CRUCIAL CORRESPONDANT.
Crucial Mike and I successfully negotiated a 12 pack of Heineken's this past weekend and we are planning on going back to the table for more negotiations this weekend. Heineken has repeatedly told me "Paul, we do not sponsor many things because WE DON'T HAVE TO, and you would do better with Molson's or Labatts." but for me the best is the best. Luckily I worked for the main Heineken dude in Canada when I was a teenager.
I hope that everyone is doing well, enjoying their summer, winter, auto-axxfixiating, or whatever floats your boat.
I am keeping it Crucial in Toronto and I hope that you are keeping it Crucial wherever you may be.
I am working on my SUMMER SOLSTICE MIX CD 2009 so FOR THE 1st 8 people that respond to this message!!! PLease send your mailing address and as a bonus I will send you CHRIS VELAN's new killer album SOLIDAGO if I can get Chris's permission. Chris Velan did the Opening music for CRUCIAL MATTERS.
Have a great day everyone!
Paul Benoit
Toronto, Ontario
Monday, June 1, 2009
General Motors files for Bankruptcy Protection, June 1st, 2009 — Business Karma at its finest.
Today, General Motors filed for bankruptcy protection to wipe-our over 170 BILLION dollars worth of debt and its stock is now worthless, being worth over $70 a share less than 10 months ago.
GM could have been an innovator and lead the new technologies into the world of oil independance, but instead decided to not only scrap the entire project, but confiscate all the leased electric cars which the owners wanted to buy but they were not allowed to purchase after offering millions to buy the vehicles.
NO NEGOTIATIONS. THEY FRICKEN DESTROYED and BURRIED the cars and technologies and Chevron bought the Electric Battery company just to scrap the entire project.
Then came the gas guzzling S.U.V.’s. Karma is a bitch GM.
I, as well as yourself, your parents, your children and your friends are all now unwittingly owners of this troubled car company thanks to the US and Canadian Governments. Your tax dollars not-so-hard at work and I am not sure when my bail-out package will be coming. I only applied for 12 million so it should not be a real problem. I also promised not to waste more than 10% absolutly frivously.
This seems like a case of pure business KARMA and I am wondering when all the high-level executives started selling-off their stock options and arranging their Golden Parachutes at GM.
This system of ours, built on greed is falling fast and failing amazingly and miserably. The goals of business should be to build the highest quality proiuct with the lowest impact on the environment, promote the highest morale within your staff and share in the successes EQUALLY. Do NOT take more than you need. Do NOT get rewarded for poor results, and try to do what is right for not only the company, but the world, the environment, the stock holder.
The wheels have fallen off the business model and we need to shift our collective attitudes towards business to achieve a harmonious relationship with it.
Also, Toyata, Honda, Mercedes-Benz and BMW have pretty much proven that their products are superior both in quality and fuel-efficiency.
The last time that I checked, the price for failure in business was failure. I know that this would be devastating and I hope that the ship can be righted after such a stormy ride over the last 10 months.
Good luck GM. I am now the not-so-proud owner of a car company. Cool? don't think so
By the way, all this mess was triggered significantly when the price of oil hit $150 a barrel.
Karma is a bitch and always will be. Always. But Karma is only a Bitch for those who do not live their Dharma...and big business has not been doing that.
Paul Benoit