Friday, March 19, 2010

Crucial Poem. Love, Love, Love

Friday March 19th, 2010 (11:20am)

CRUCIAL Blog Entry #55


Love is Lost,
Love is Found,
Love is always close around.

Why is Love so elusive?
So exclusive?
So independently inclusive.

How open are you to Love?
How likely are you to find true Love?
What are you supposed to learn from Love?
When are you supposed to move on?

Is love supposed to last a lifetime?
But it can.

What lessons are we supposed to learn from Love?
What answers are we supposed to learn from Love?
Why do the questions mount with love?
Why are some people so easy to discount for their love?

Why can’t people "be real"?
Is it FEAR?

To Live is TO Love.
Love is Life.
The more we live,
the more the strife.

The more we live
The more we love.

Love touches you in ways that your soul does not understand.
Love touches you in ways that nobody else can.
Love in its purest form is non-judgmental, unconditional, understood and life-affirming.

Love is never far away.
Love is give, love is take.

The essence of love lies deep within the heart.
A mysterious place at times too dark.
But when it is "awoken"
It can never be broken.
Until next time that is.

Paul Benoit
Crucial Correspondent

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